What can we do for you?

Whether you're in need of sound educational material or safe fitness instruction, we can help. Some of our most popular services are....

Staff Development
Staff Development

Through eBooks, newsletters, and P.E. activities preschool staff can add to their knowledge base and learn how to help children start out life fit.

Staff development workshops are available for schools so that staff can find a way to help children become and stay fit, regardless of each teacher's individual fitness level.

Continuing Education
Continuing Education

Aerobic Fitness Consultants offers a number of continuing education courses for child care workers, P.E. teachers, fitness professionals, personal trainers and nutritionists. 

 We’re also available for your webinar, podcast, speaking event, keynote and advisory panel. Contact us to schedule your event.

Michele presenting via Zoom

Evidence based research presentations on childhood obesity, health and academic consequences are also available. 

 Various health concerns that pertain to preschool children are detailed for the public as well as professional organizations. Focus is on obesity prevention and health promotion in preschool children.

The Move It Studio for adults
Adult Fitness Classes

Aerobic Fitness Consultants provides various adult fitness classes at the Monrovia, California based 'MOVE IT' fitness studio. Attend in person or via Zoom..